
Stephen Lendman: Obama's Legacy Of Shame!

Promising change after eight Bush/Republican years, Obama delivered betrayal. With congressional Democrats, he exceeded Bush's harshness, lawlessness, belligerency, and public trust betrayal. He violated every major domestic and foreign issue, after breaking all of his promises: He looted the nation's wealth, wrecked the economy, and consigned millions to lose jobs, homes, savings, social services, and the possibility of a brighter future. He gave Wall Street crooks greater money power, disguised as "financial reform". He waged multiple imperial wars and occupations, spending more on military hardware than the rest of the world combined, even though America had no enemies. He ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya and Libya's Gaddafi. He promoted "regime change" in Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Lebanon, and elsewhere against independent leaders, while continuing support for the world's most ruthless and corrupt tyrants. He presided over a "bogus democracy" under the guise of a homeland police state. In addition, he continued Bush's worst lawless policies, by adding more of his own, including indefinite detentions without charges, deploying Special Forces death squads in over 120 countries to kill targeted suspects, including American citizens.

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