
Stephen Lendman: Out Of Control Israeli State Terror

Having friends in high places in Washington lets Israel literally get away with murder: On October 31, Ma'an News said continued Israeli air strikes so far killed 12 Gazans. Others were wounded, some of them severely. Overnight Sunday, the IDF confirmed additional air strikes. Another cease- fire took effect at 10:00 PM. Nonetheless, early Monday, attacks continued, targeting Khan Yunis in southern Gaza. Israel overflights continue. Given its propensity for raw violence, expect more attacks at any time, for no reason, or none at all. On Sunday, Netanyahu relished having them, saying: "There is no ceasefire." Israel will murder Palestinians, and protect the residents of the south, wiping out the rocket launchers. I promise that the other side will pay an even heavier price than it has up to now, until it stops firing." No matter that Gazans respond defensively to premeditated Israeli attacks, which is Netanjahu's inverted truth, blaming the victims of IDF crimes: Since Cast Lead ended in January 2009, Hamas has rigorously observed ceasefire terms, and so do other resistance forces, except when attacked. Among other details, Israel violated Egypt's brokered truce. "Islamic Jihad is committed to the truce, as long as the occupation commits to it." However, if Israeli attacks continue, further comments said "Resistance will respond defensively!"

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