
Wayne Madsen: War Clouds Over Iran

Israel's all-powerful lobby in Washington, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an organization composed of Israeli collaborators, infiltrators, and outright traitors to the United States, is steamrolling through the House of Representatives HR 1905, which would prohibit the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, members of the US Foreign Service, or any special envoy from engaging in any sort of conduct, official or unofficial, with any member or agent of the government of Iran. Only when the President informs the requisite committees may he proceed with engaging on diplomatic contact with Iran. Israel has de-facto control over the foreign affairs committees of Congress, so any White House notification of the need to contact Iranian officials would be instantly transmitted to Binyamin Netanyahu's office in Jerusalem, and Israel would then circumvent any US-Iranian contact. AIPAC, with its resolution, is further making the United States a vassal of the Jewish state. Israel's strategy is to make certain that its plans to attack Iran's nuclear facilities and, perhaps other targets, meet no opposition from diplomatic circles in the United States. As always, Israel has placed its own interests well beyond, and in contravention of those of the United States. Faced with the prospect of of an Israeli attack on Iran, backed by Saudi Arabia, Israel's secret ally in the region the threat has had ripple effects across the Middle East and Asia.

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