
Activist Post: Ohio Nuke Plant Damage More Severe!

Congressman Dennis Kucinich today questioned whether FirstEnergy has been entirely upfront with the people of Ohio over the extent of the damage to the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant. Kucinich requested full public disclosure of all relevant photographs, test results, analyses and reports by FirstEnergy after comparing reassuring public statements made about the damage by FirstEnergy officials to disquieting information received from the NRC during a briefing for the Congressman's staff. Descriptions by the NRC, which receives non-public reports from First-Energy, revealed that the damage to the Davis-Besse plant is greater than has previously been portrayed in public statements made by FirstEnergy officials. Kucinich called upon FirstEnergy to release all photographs, test results, analyses and reports to the public, in order to verify the accuracy of FirstEnergy's public statements. "In response to inquiries by my staff, the NRC provided a detailed description of the cracking at FirstEnergy's Davis-Besse plant. That description revealed that the cracks in the Davis-Besse 'shield' building are more numerous and more widely distributed than FirstEnergy has publicly portrayed," said Kucinich. Cracks were initially discovered by accident on the concrete shield wall that protects the reactor from physical attacks and prevents radiation release into the air, water and soil. FirstEnergy publicly claimed the damage was limited as to the size and location of the cracks.

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