
Brother Nathaniel Kapner: Will the Jews Let Ron Paul Win??

Why does the Mainstream Media Disrespect Ron Paul? So asks the popular internet site, US Watchdog.com. The Headline article points out that even though Ron Paul was a close second to Michelle Bachman in a recent Republican straw poll, yet on FOX News Sunday, host Chris Wallace totally ignored the virtual tie, and instead reported: "There is a top tier now of Bachmann, Perry and Romney, with Rick Santorum following close behind." What gives? Well, it's NOT just about 'disrespect'. It goes far beyond that, because it is, in fact, an orchestrated Zionist Media WAR on Ron Paul, which has been going on for many, many months now. In fact, those with insight can see it is the extension of the same Zionist media War on Ron Paul, which has been going on for many, many months now. In fact, those with hindsight can see it is the extension of the same media infamy bestowed on the honorable Texan, going back to the 2007-2008 Republican Primary campaign. A commenter on the "US Watchdog" site wrote: "The Jews own the Main Stream Media and most everything else that has to do with this kind of reporting, or non-reporting, and that's why Ron Paul is being ignored. Their journalists are told to snub Ron Paul, or lose their jobs!" Another commenter said: "Ron Paul is slighted by the press, because it's owned by the Big Banks, controlled by the Federal Reserve, which Ron Paul wants to abolish." Here's one that hits the bulls eye: "The reason the media disrespects Ron Paul is because he is not a backer of Israel. Bachman and Perry are big Israel supporters, Paul is not! "He knows how many billions of US tax dollars go to Israel every year!" Last week, Ron Paul certainly placed himself in harm's way by voicing his anti-Israel stand on the CNN National Security Debate, sponsored by none other than the Jewish 'think tank,' The American Enterprise Institute'!

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