
David Icke: Wall Street Propagandists - Ties to Russian Protesters?

As the evidence begins to mount, pointing the accusing finger at the increasingly illegitimate corporate-financier occupiers of the West's governments as having built up Russian opposition movements and being behind the current unrest filling Russia's streets, the corporate media has already started to rewrite events as they unfold. An amazing piece of mid-event revisionism titled, "Moscow braces as election protest goes viral," desperately attempts to portray the protests as "leaderless" even as the article itself interviews "organizers." Quoting unnamed, and most likely nonexistent protesters, the article featured in the Sydney Morning Herald insists protesters claimed, "I came on my own. I learned about it on the web." But the article then states, and last night, thanks to the web, organizers were expecting more than 3oooo people to demonstrate against what they see as the rigged results of last Sunday's elections, because that's how many have committed themselves to a sign-up sheet on Facebook." Read more: Wall Street Propagandists Scramble To Cover US Ties to Russian Protesters!

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