
Henry Makow Ph.D.: Illuminati Will Burst China's Bubble!

The Illuminati have chosen China to be the main producer/manufacturer of the NWO. China's economy is completely artificial. The stated economic justifications for China's current rise are lies, and a veil for an agenda. The mainstream media generally portray the US as a dying giant, and China as an unstoppable rising power. And yet, both countries have virtually the same debt-to -GDP levels. The US has $15 trillion worth of debt and a GDP of just over $14 trillion, while China has a GDP of $5.8 trillion, and debts of $5.7 trillion. So why is China portrayed as being strong? Because, as the Goldman Sachs graph shows, over the the next 40-years the Illuminati plan to weaken the US and strengthen China. Economics are a veil for an agenda. China is picked to be the economic powerhouse of the New World Order. A 2003 projection of the world's economies by Goldman Sachs 'predicts' that China's GDP will overtake the US in 2040. By 2050 China's GDP will have reached $45,000 billion, leaving the US a distant second with $35,000 billion. Germany, the powerhouse of the EU, will only have a GDP of $2,500 billion. This projection is at odds with China's current economic weakness. The economy is fueled by a construction bubble that should have burst years ago.

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