
Martha Trowbridge: Obama's Theme Song: "I Fought the Law, and the Law Won!"

If you are an 'oldies' buff, you will probably remember a tune by the Bobby Fuller Four: "I Fought The Law, and the Law Won". All across America voices have cried out in protest to the vengeful attacks Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and others in the present administration have waged war against the United States Constitution, America's sacred traditions, and America itself. Americans have cried out in anguish, while they have witnessed the willful destruction of our great country: Obama, Holder, and their gang of "Retaliators" have gleefully waged that war, while lying straight -faced about what they are doing: Now, the law is finally catching up with them: Rather than waging an election campaign in 2012, Obama will be waging war against multiple corruption charges about to smack him on the head. So will Holder: Obama and Holder never quite "got it". Thy have not for one moment appreciated, or genuinely enjoyed their good fortunes: Have you ever heard them thank anyone who helped them along the way? Teachers, admission committees, scholarship committees, employers, political mentors, political mentors, political appointers, anyone? Why? They have been far too preoccupied by envy. Blinded to the fact that despite their vile denials, they are proof that the American Experiment does work.

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