
Nadir Mir: Pravda.ru Next War Iran!!!!

The Geopolitics of the times may indicate that the next war is Iran. Although Pakistan, being an established nuclear power, would logically be higher on the scales of "denuking agenda" for so called globalists. Still, Geopolitical logic dictates otherwise. In Iran's case, the American agenda is to prevent it from going nuclear, something which Pakistan achieved over a quarter century ago! American election fervor, meaning attacking Iran, indicates air and missile strikes and a "limited" invasion. Benjamin Netanyahu, National Security Advisor Uzi Aradand Defense Minister Ehud Barak, plus numerous Israeli leaders, want a nuclear strike against Iran. For nearly a decade, Iran "going nuclear" has been on the minds of Israeli legislators. This time, the possibility may actually be real: Both Israel and Iran are confident and itching to fight! The "point of no return" was an article by the Atlantic, and it appears clear that there is a high possibility of such an adventure. The Israelis are evasive, but an Israeli strike appears imminent now. The initial strategic moves have already been initiated: Though NATO is planning to intervene, this will be only be to deprive Iran of its chief ally Syria.

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