
Tom Burghardt: Making Wars Happen - US War Plans Against Iran!

Before the first bomb falls, disinformation specialists prepare the ground. Leading media outlets, foreign policy journals and a phletora of think-tanks funded by elite foundations, energy and weapons' conglomerates, 'right,' 'left' or center, take your pick, churn out war propaganda disguised as "analysis." From the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute to the neo-liberal Center for American Progress, rhetorical skirmishes aside, the line is remarkably similar. Indeed, for conservative and liberal elite blioviators alike, Iran poses an "existential threat" to Israel and America's regional "allies," a disparate crew of land-grabbing colonizers, murderous princes and profligate potentates. Only US intervention, in the form of an overt military attack now, or crippling economic sanctions, followed by military action later, can save the day, and bring "democracy" to the benighted Iranian people. If we were to believe neo-con acolyte Thomas Donnelly, "The rapid ticking of the Iran nuclear clock also marks an increasingly dark hour for the United States and its closest allies and partners, because it coincides with a third clock, the timetable of retreat set in motion by Barack Obama. Meanwhile liberal interventionists Rudy deLeon and Brian Katulis over at CAP tell us that "President Barack Obama and his administration are ratcheting up the pressure on the Iranian regime, building an international coalition that is increasingly isolating and weakening Iran, making it pay a price for not living up to its "international responsibilities."

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