
Veterans Today: How Zionism Infiltrated the US!

Mark Bruzonsky, a Jewish-American Scholar and Journalist, has been a key member behind the scenes of the Israeli Palestinian peace initiative in the 1980s, meeting with Former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and with Palestinian officials. In an exclusive interview with Press TV's Autograph, Mr. Bruzonsky talks about challenges and missed opportunities he witnessed first
-hand, and how Zionist groups infiltrated American politics, US institutions and organizations. He goes further to explain the specific time and day Obama sold out to the AIPAC (American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee) lobby, and how President Obama would never dare oppose the stronghold of the Zionist, Israeli Lobby in the US. Press TV: "In 1982, Mr. Bruzonsky, you authored the Paris Declaration, a breakthrough event that greatly contributed to political developments of the time. Please tell us about that." Bruzonsky: In the 1980's, in a sense, a lot of us knew there was this political cancer. It was very bad, it was eating up the patient and needed to be dealt with and cured. I was in Paris, sitting in a hotel room, a big event in my life, with four very important people. I was there to do the work and write the document: These people were the former president of France, Pierre Mendis France, the founder of the World Zionist Organization and the World Jewish Congress - Nahum Goldman, his successor, who was the only Jewish leader in America who had ever been president of B'nai Brith and World Jewish Congress and Secretary of Commerce.

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