
Brig Nadir Mir: Ron Paul - The American for Real Change!

Ron Paul, among Republican Party Candidates for the 2012 US Presidential elections, is the American for real change. Reminding the world of virtues that had made the USA a model for the world in yester years. Like many Great Americans, he is honest, brave, smart, honorable, generous and futuristic. Ron Paul, a suave politician reminds folks of the American Revolutionary Spirit of 1776. Of the courage to stand up for truth, challenging conventional wisdom and chiseling a pragmatic road map for the future. Cognizant of the fact that a Neo-con led decade of 2000-2010 had ruined America, he advocates Neo atonement and redemption. As a patriotic American, he knows the good hearted people of our USA were again being led astray by the pied pipers cabal of Globalists, Military-Industrial Complex and Neo-con remnants. This time the issue is more serious than declining at home and being over stretched abroad. If the War Lobby-cum Globalists have their way, they may drive our USA into a World War, as a Ron Paul supporter, Benton exclaimed. 'We need another armed conflict, like we need a hole in our heads!' Attacking Iran or Pakistan will be, as Julius Caesar once said: "Crossing the Rubicon". Putin had earlier reportedly told his Generals: "Prepare for Armageddon!" Now, after alleged interference from the west in Russian Politics has been termed as 'an act of war' by some Moscow Quarters. The Chinese Navy was recently put on high alert by Beijing. Russia-China had coordinated their stance on Syria, to block the NATO onslaught. War beyond Syria, into Iran and Pakistan will spiral out of control as a regional Nuclear World War.

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