
Brother Nathanael: The Jewish War On Vladimir Putin!

A new clash of civilizations is now unfolding before our very eyes: While the atheistic West is in decline, a renewed Russia, based on Christian Faith, the historic Church, and cultural unity, whose leader is a devout Orthodox Christian, is emerging as an opposing force to the pernicious spread of Zionist imperialism. It was at the World Economic Forum, held in Davos Switzerland in 2009 that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signaled to the Judaic-empowered West that its era of a "unipolar" world was coming to an end. "Not only the architecture of global finance is to be changed. We're talking about the fact that a system of interaction based on a number of centers should replace the unipolar world. The demonization of Russia's leader, which I call "The Jewish War on Vladimir Putin," then shifted into high gear. The smearing had already begun in 2007, when Gerald Levin's and Norman Pearlstine's Time Magazine portrayed Putin as a tyrannical monster as Time's Man of the Year. It all came to a head during the Duma parliamentary elections held in Russia's provinces last month. Even before the so-called 'election monitoring groups' issued their reports, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, at a "human rights" meeting in Lithuania, accused Putin of "rigging" the vote. Putin was quick to respond, pointing out that Clinton's blatant lie of voter fraud signaled to Zionist-funded NGO's to begin their staged, well-rehearsed, anti-Putin protests.

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