
Brother Nathaneal Kapner: Romney & Obama??

Some call it 'Hedging your Bet' while others call it 'playing both sides.' But it all amounts to the same thing: Jewry CONTROLS the elections. The question to be asked by all savvy election observers is not, "who will be our next president?" If we simply follow the money, it appears that our choice has already been narrowed down to two Zionist lackeys: With Huntsman in the wings as a "sleeper" candidate, and Ron Paul sidelined by the wretched Jew-owned media, Romney and Obama. It all boils down to this: What flavor of Jew-control do you want? Republican flavor? Then you've got the Republican Jewish Coalition. Democrat flavor? Then you've got the National Jewish Democratic Council. Both have Billions at their command to dictate a Jewish agenda to either party. And what is the Jewish agenda? Growing up as a Jew, this author never heard during a presidential election with regard to any of the candidates,  "Is he good for America?" NO, never.  What I did constantly hear was, "Is he good for the Jews?" And that is the ONLY candidate that can possibly be nominated by either party. This is because international Jewry controls both the money and the media that goes into the "making" of a presidential candidate. Period. View entire Story!!! Although Obama faces a loss of Jewish funders due to his Middle East policy, his Jewish supporters from his 2008 race show no defections. Alan Solow, former chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, and a major Obama fundraiser, said the "would-be-donors" in his Rolodex are "responding" just fine!!    

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