
Francis Boyle: Waging War is a Criminal Act!!!

Waging War against Iran is a criminal act, in violation of International Law, The death toll from World War III will be incalculable: Article 2 of the United Nations Charter requires the pacific settlement of the international dispute between the United States and Iran. To the same effect is article 33 and the entirety of Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter that mandate and set up numerous procedures for the pacific settlement of the international dispute between the United States and Iran. And, of course Article 2(4) of the UN Charter prohibits both the threat of force and use of force by the United States against Iran. Furthermore, both Iran and the United States are parties to the Kellog-Briand Peace Pact of 1928, upon which legal basis the Nazi Leaders were prosecuted by the United States at Nuremberg for Crimes against Peace, sentenced to death, and then executed. Mr. Obama, are you certain you want to go down that same slippery path???

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