
Gerald Celente Predictions for 2012!

Festering socio-economic/financial/geopolitical trends will climax next year. "Some will arrive with a big bang, and others less dramatically, but no less consequentially." On December 28, Financial Times contributor Mark Mallock-Brown headlined "The downward slide continues,the great revolt will come later," saying: "Next year is not going to be better. Whatever temporary economic fixes are applied to the euro-zone, American deficits and unemployment, the overheated Chinese real estate market, petering Indian reforms, or stalling Brazilian growth," expect more slide. Global economic dislocations are "increasingly disorderly." Deceptive political rhetoric may prove to be the "calm before the storm." As Progressive Radio New Hour regular Jack Rasmus explains, they consistently miss major turning points,"including their failure to predict the epic recession of 2008, their erroneous prediction of a rapid 'V'-shape recovery in 2009-10, and now their failure to foresee what's coming in the Eurozone, China and Emerging markets." Rasmus called mainstream economists "birds without wings." Practically all of them missed the impending 2008 crisis that will almost certainly emerge no later than early 2013 and potentially much earlier, as Eurozone, China and other economies crater. Obama's economic programs failed badly. Instead of creating jobs, helping homeowners, resurrecting housing, and aiding troubled state and local governments, he focused on Wall Street bailouts, transferring wealth to America's super-rich, and relying on business to hire, when they're hoarding cash, treading water, and not expanding.   

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