
Jim Kirwan: Endings!!!

In two days the funeral for the United States will be complete. The gravestone should read, Born 1776, Died 2011. The cause of death was the total failure of the public to participate in any of the things that could have kept this nation alive. This is of course the same basic reason why every successful nation in the past also died - because of greed, corruption and lawlessness that in one way or another led to the death of so many billions of people, only to know that the evil which conquered each and every viable state would itself also be totally destroyed in the end, forcing the survivors to start all over again from the beginning. The causes for this funeral go back into the depths of Millennia, but since this place does not believe in real history, we have only to look back as far as the beginning of the New Millennia that began in the year 2000 A.D., when the president was appointed by the US Supreme Court on 12-12
-2000. That was very quickly followed by the coup in the White House that was run by Dirty-Dick-Cheney, who proceeded to create the US Energy Policies that have been directing virtually every decision beginning in February 2001, when the secret spying on every American began.  

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