
Karl W B Schwarz: DC Politics An Un-American Fascist Scam

Often, during a person's journey through life, there will come a time when he encounters an abyss. Most will stop and gaze down into it before turning away to seek a safer place called home. Only the insane or ignorant will continue forward and step into it, and still pretend that all is rosy. Tragically, the second group characterizes most of contemporary America. That is what is happening in American political circles, where the Liberal Left has morphed into a "War Party" because they realized that the Republicans were successfully selling the message that only they would defend America from the "boogeyman". Actually, both parties excel in plundering America, and neither is worth in defending America: Yes, just give up those "freedoms" and "liberties" for no protection whatsoever. Most Americans start off in life as Southern Conservative Democrats, a moniker that is no different than being a Republican. However, in the past, a person could barely get elected in the Deep South with an "R" by there name, and the entire region controlled by Demo-thug Bubbas that could not spell Mom and Dad frontwards and backwards. Ronald Reagan was the first Republican to realize and capitalize on this conservatism when he swept the South and many Southern Conservative Democrats turned into Republicans in 1980!  

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