
Pravda: CIA Infects South American Leaders With Cancer!

Over an 18 month period, four "progressive" leaders of Latin America and their fellow citizens were shocked by the diagnosis delivered by their physicians: CANCER. Fernando Lugo, Luis Inacio, Lula da Silva, Hugo Chavez, and recently Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner were given this disagnosis. The Presidents of Paraguay, Brazil, Venezuela and Argentina suspiciously turned out on the verge of survival. Chavez immediately warned that the disease may be a "new weapon of the empire to eliminate unwanted leaders." Maybe, but oddly enough, the result was the opposite. All politicians not only did not stop their political life and moved away from responsibilities, buy on the contrary, dramatically increased their rating, and rallied around there supporters. First, in August of 2010, 60-year-old Paraguayan President Fernando Luga was diagnosed with a tumor of the lymphatic system. After six sessions of chemotherapy in Sao Paulo and Asuncion, doctors reported that the tumor was gone. He was elected in 2008 with a mandate of five years. He resigned his ecclesiastical rank and became the second leftist president in the history of that country. 66-year-old former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was diagnosed with larynx cancer in October of 2011, nine months after the transfer of power to Dilma Russef. In his case, the doctors did not operate, citing that he may lose his voice forever! 

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