
Pravda.ru: Interference in Russian Affairs is an Act of War

Tomorrow, the heroes will stay home. The west, and particularly the United States, are not in a position to criticize the Russian election process, nor are they in a position to criticize the ever popular leader, Vladimir Putin. It is well known that what makes Vladimir Putin so supremely electable are all of his great deeds in restoring Russia to a decent place in the world, with much worldwide respect, fiscally sound and responsible, strong and stable. Who can compete with that in the bankrupt, hypocritical, international law breaking, war mongering west where you will find no stronger, more determined supporters of terrorism? Can even one leader be found among the lot of them that actually did something for the people of their own country? Absolutely not. Russia is a country with its own time honored traditions, a source of much pride for every Russian citizen. The history, the culture and beauty have no rivals anywhere. The west is the one who lost everything with the pseudo-conclusion of the Cold War. They can no longer be looked upon in the same manner as before. The curtain fell, the wall is down, the empire and the emperor is naked. Their Wall Street public relations firms were selling a highly defective product, the concept of "freedom and democracy" in the west. Casting a vote is no guarantee that any citizen in the west has anything to say about what their country does, be it in matters of social services to society or foreign issues. All you have to do is look at Yugoslavia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan, Syria. Is there any end to that list?

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