
Sara Flounders: Resist US War Threats on Iran!

There is growing apprehension that through miscalculation, deliberate provocation or a staged false flag operation, a US war with Iran is imminent. The dangerous combination of top US officials' public threats, the Pentagon's massive military deployment, continued drone flights and industrial sabotage against Iran provides an ominous warning. The corporate media have been more than willing to cheer industrial sabotage, computer viruses and targeted assassinations. War maneuvers with Israel scheduled for mid-January were suddenly postponed January 15 until May or later. The US Congress overwhelmingly voted to include binding provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act, and President Obama signed the legislation Dec. 31, ordering Iran's economic strangulation. These NDAA provisions demand that every other country in the world join this economic blockade of Iran or face US sanctions themselves. This itself is an act of war. Iran has directly charged the CIA for the January 11 assassination of physicist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, which has outraged Iranians. Roshan is the fourth scientist killed in five targeted assassinations in two years. Whether or not a war will actually erupt, it is essential to look at the powerful forces that lay the groundwork for such a conflagration. A US war would kill hundreds of thousands of Iranians and create region-wide destabilization. It would cause a wild, speculative hike in oil and gas prices, devastating fragile economies of the poorest countries and unhinging the increasingly shaky euro-zone. Revolutionary Marxists like Fidel Castro, political leaders in China and Russia, and even a hardened Israeli general have joined many political commentators to warn that a US or US-supported Israeli attack on Iran could quickly become a far wider war.

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