
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey: Afghanistan: NATO's drug paradise!

The Taliban government in Afghanistan was fighting against the production of opium and had greatly reduced it. With their collective resources, armies and wisdom of NATO's 40 nations firmly entrenched in the country for over a decade, the findings of the latest UN report are a disgrace. What NATO wanted in Afghanistan we all know, and this was very clear to all, before the Mujaheddin were launched by the FUKUS-Axis (France, UK, US and Israel) in the 1970s to destabilize the only socially progressive government. Afghanistan had provided good governance for all its citizens, including women and children, in an inclusive society devoid of gender-based exclusion. The FUKUS-Axis, as usual, could not have cared less about human rights, women's rights or children's rights, as it launched the Mujaheddin through the Pakistani Madrassah, armed, aided and abetted them and threw them into battle against the Soviet Armed Forces. When the Mujaheddin morphed into the Taliban movement, women's rights were suppressed, but so was the production of opium. Under NATO, the drug barons apparently have a free hand to engage in what they know best, how to produce as much heroin as possible to flood the streets of our cities, enriching the handful who control this evil trade. 

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