
Adam Blitzerian: Why Do So Many Jews Hate Black People?

Dov Lior, a popular chief rabbi in Israel, recently called Obama a Kushi, which is Israel's equivalent to nig*er. Most Americans are completely unaware of the general contempt that many Jewish people have towards blacks, as Max Blumenthal found out when he interviewed dozens of young people in Israel who reiterated the Rabbi's sentiments about Obama. Blumenthal's video titled "Feeling the Hate in Israel was removed from YouTube, Vimeo, and the Huffington Post shortly after going viral. In order to understand the nature of this hatred, we need to understand the historical context, which dates back hundreds of years. Although Jews were just a tiny percentage of the European population, they dominated the African slave trade. Jewish historians were so proud of this accomplishment that they bragged endlessly about their involvement and dominance of the industry in their historical texts. In Jews and Judaism in the United States: A documentary History, prominent Jewish Historian Marc Raphael wrote: "Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French, British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated. This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the triangular slave trade that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies, and there exchanged them for molasses". Jewish historical records show that Jewish involvement in the North American slave trade was so dominant that slave posts were frequently closed on Jewish holidays. Arnold Wiznitzer, a Jewish historian, wrote,"the buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost all Jews, and because of their lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices."    

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