
Brad Blog: Ron Paul Robbed by GOP in Maine

The Maine GOP committed massive Election Fraud in State Caucuses, outraging Paul supporters: The state GOP has stolen the state for Mitt Romney in Maine's 2012 Caucuses. Might Romney be the actual winner, once all votes are actually cast and counted? Perhaps, but the fact is, the Maine Republican Party has purposely blocked that from happening. Beside the voters of Maine, Congressman Ron Paul, according to the official results, reported by the state GOP lost to Romney by just 194 votes. Adding to the outrage, the election fraud was perpetrated by the Chairman of the state's Republican Party, Charly Webster. Readers of the BRAD BLOG may well remember Webster as the man who spent months attempting to wholesale disenfranchise thousands of legal student voters in the state of Maine, on the entirely fraudulent basis that they were committing "voter fraud" because they were out-of-state students who, living in Maine and going to school there most of the year, should be, nonetheless, barred from voting there. Federal law clearly states otherwise, allowing such students to vote in Maine, and even Republican Charles E Summers, Jr. who investigated Webster's "evidence" for his case, found it entirely baseless. While Webster was pretending that massive voter fraud was occurring in Maine, he has now, himself committed a massive case of election fraud by announcing the winner of lat week's Maine Caucuses as Mitt Romney despite the full knowledge that voters in at least three different counties have been entirely disenfranchised, with their votes not included in his "final" results.  

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