
Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja: Obama's Endless Global Warfare!

A New Strategy for Securing the Realm exposes the key authors, America's sadistic neo-cons Richard Perle, David Wumser and Douglas Feith. A decade later, the authors of that study are gone in name, but their spirit of unending wars is alive and well within the Obama Administration's recently announced "Defense Strategic Guidance" as part of "Sustaining US Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense." Where Clean Break offered what was then a radical Middle East military strategy, Obama's DSG identifies US military priorities for the 21st century to "confront and defeat aggression anywhere in the world" with an emphasis on the Middle East and Asia-Pacific region as the "greatest challenges for the future." Neither the president nor Panetta felt any need to articulate a credible global threat that requires eternal armed vigilance as the country continues to dismantle its People Programs and as its infrastructure continues to dismantle its People Programs and as its infrastructure continues to crumble, nor did the American people with a thoughtful rationale for who, why, when, where and how. After the president's departure, Panetta, once known as a liberal House Democrat from California, began to morph into a gnarl-faced Dr. Strangelove with every utterance of war, enemies, threats, death and destruction as he touted US military dominance and its ability to "decisively prevail in any conflict." "The US government is so full of self-righteousness that it has become a caricature of hypocrisy. Leon Panetta, a former congressman whom Obama appointed CIA director and now head of the Pentagon, just told the sailors on the USS Enterprise, an aircrafy carrier, that the US is maintaining a fleet of 11 aircraft carriers in order to project sea power against Iran and to convince Iran that "it's better for them to try to deal with us through diplomacy." Washington has kept America at war for ten years while millions of Americans lost their jobs and their homes.    

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