
Dr Mohammed Daud Miraki: The Moral Degradation of Western Alliance in Afghanistan

Since the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, the Western Alliance has shown its ugliness through horrendous forms of murders and despicable war crimes, including the use of illegal weapons! However, the true face of of the Western alliance and their moral degradation emerged with the passage of every day, especially when the insurmountable and unreported losses of the US and her allies fail to make it to the official tallies in Afghanistan. The following examples would suffice to establish the true picture of this Western alliance that has not only destroyed Afghanistan but also undermined the humanity of the people of Afghanistan. A few days ago, someone has uploaded video footage of four US Marines urinating on dead Taliban fighters. This was no surprise for us, since we have read a lot about the despicable behavior of US troops and her allies in Afghanistan and everywhere. However, one basic and irrefutable factor about the US forces could not be overlooked: Their disregard for Human Dignity. In fact, the US forces behaved as usual in the cowardly manner relying on their supersonic bombers and other advanced weapons against poorly equipped adversaries. Taliban fighters are armed with very old Kalashnikovs and Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launchers, but carry with them the true weapon of their defense, their unbroken iron will. This combination has brought 49 countries, including the US and NATO and former members of the Warsaw Pact to their knees. In fact, the US tacitly acknowledged defeat when Hillary Clinton spoke in front of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in October 2011, and stated that peace would not be possible without Mullah Omar, the same man the US called a "terrorist".  

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