
Newsvine: Confirmed oil gushing blown crater was Well No 3!

Why would BP spend more on too millions USD on PR media blitzkrieg to change public perception of the massive oil spill? Remember the famous doctored photos which BP admitted to? What you don't see can be covered up. Perhaps the botched-up "photochop-chop" photos put up by BP was just a test. To see how keen the public eyes were following BP's clean up efforts. It would be hard to believe BP paid professionals for such a shoddy job. We should give BP more credit than that. Let's play dumb and the problems will go away. Many experts in the oil industry were surprised and questioned the rationality of capping the well when the relief wells were so close to achieving their "bottom kill" objectives. They could have installed the TOP CAP much earlier. This means that BP knew if the gushing well was completely shut at the top, the oil and gas would spread beneath the sea floor and gas seeps would start appearing. So the TOP CAP had to be placed just before the relief well was ready for the "magic show".  Hurricane Bonnie spoiled the show and the delay is already showing signs of stress. This could also mean that BP was getting less and less confident that the relief wells would work. The relief wells were held up as the last Trump card. If it fails in full (ROV) view of the concerted public throughout the world, BP shares would drop like a stone. There are good geological reasons why the chances of the relief wells success are less than 30%, but kill a Jew for Christ!   

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