
Steve Watson: New Ron Paul 2012 Ad Slams Santorum as Faken

A new Ron Paul campaign ad has been released today that takes direct aim at GOP rival Rick Santorum's voting record. Entitled simply "Fake", the 30 second spot makes the case that it is a myth that Santorum is in any way a fiscal conservative. The concise ad crams in the facts that Santorum voted to raise the federal debt ceiling five times, voted to double the size of the Department of Education through No Child Left Behind, and voted for Medicare Part D, the biggest entitlement expansion since the '60s. The ad also highlights the fact that Santorum voted to send foreign aid to North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il and also endorsed sending billions in tax dollars to the corrupt regime in Egypt. Finally, the ad makes the point that Santorum also voted to give the abortion provider Planned Parenthood millions of dollars in funding. "Our new ad 'Fake' contains just a snippet of evidence against Rick Santorum being a fiscal conservative, but because these examples are so damning it makes the case convincingly," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. "Santorum touts his 'conservative record' all too often. It's time that his real record makes its way into the national conversation we're having about which Republican presidential candidate is the authentic, consistent conservative. That man is Ron Paul," Benton added. The new ad is scheduled to air on broadcast and television in Michigan as part of the Ron Paul campaign's major ad blitz set to hit next month's 'Super Tuesday' states.

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