
Ben Shapiro: Pat Buchanan: Anti-Semite

Pat Buchanan was recently fired from MSNBC over his latest book. It is not as if MSNBC suddenly realized that it had an anti-Semite on staff. If they really cared about that, they would have fired him years ago. As I've written, they only hired him in order to use him as the cardboard cut-out conservative. Last week, Buchanan proved that point in full color. He did an interview on Russia Today, the Kremlin-sponsored channel that features radical leftists like Tom Hartmann, in which he tackled the issue of Israel and Iran. "There are people that want a war," Buchanan said. He continued: I mean, do not think no one wants a war. You don't have wars unless someone wants it, and quite clearly the Israeli government would like to see the United States smash Iran's nuclear program, which they think is creating the additions where Iran could, with one leap forward, get a bomb. The Israeli lobby would like to see a war. They support the Israeli government. Neoconservatives do. Many Republicans do. There are many Americans who genuinely believe that if Iran, they believe Iran is moving toward a weapon, and if it is, they would favor military action to prevent it. There are a number of people who want a war. He went on to suggest that Israel's position on this was a greater threat to the United States than Iranian nuclear weapons. Now, Pat Buchanan has long been an anti-Semite. His repulsive publication, The American Conservative, is an isolationist tract featuring the writings of magazine co-founder and open Jew-hater Taki Theodoracopulos, who calls himself a "soi-disant antisemite."        

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