
USA Thwarts Israeli Attack on Iran

In two carefully coordinated events, the USA put an end to Israel's plan to attack Iran. On March 28, 2012, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak publicly praised himself and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta: "The decision to cancel the attack was the result of contacts between the USA, the Israeli Defense Ministry and the Pentagon."At that moment, the poker game between the USA, Israel and Iran came to an abrupt end. There was no winner, but one loser: Israel. About a week ago, I published Obama Bluffs Netanyahu, just after President Obama's video appeal to the Iranian people on the occasion of Nowruz, the Persian New Year. He told them that there was "no reason for the United States and Iran to be divided from one another." This was a sharp deviation from the belligerent Israeli-American discourse in recent months. Moreover, it was a clear end to Netanyahu's desire to force the USA into attacking Iran. "Netanyahu needs a war with Iran. The only way Netanyahu could prevent a deal between between the USA and Iran is by attacking Iran before an agreement is signed, or by performing a false flag attack on American soil. Obama bluffed Netanyahu," I summarized the event. A week later, the American administration hit Israel twice. The first event was private in nature, a war -simulation conducted at the Pentagon. The second was public and brutal: the USA formally disclosed secret information about Israeli plans, which has effectively put an end to any possibility of carrying out an aerial attack on Iran by Israel. Tuesday 27, Pentagon. This Tuesday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak was a special invitee of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta at the Pentagon. He was rushed to a secure  underground bunker, where stray planes couldn't cause undesired damage. He was expecting a nice cup of coffee and maybe a piece of chocolate cake. Nothing was too shabby for him. He would show the world his nickname "Napo" (for Half-Napoleon) was undeserved.   

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