
Bob Johnson: Some Major Holes For War With Iran!

Casually listening to the established media for insightful articles about the media's handling of the push for a war with Iran: Israel and its "US" politicians will be keeping the American military busy fighting Israel's wars. It would seem that Iran has already decided to build a nuclear weapon, and is in fact working toward that goal. However, this is not true. Iran is working on nuclear power for peaceful needs, not to build nuclear weapons as Israel has already done. This quote from a recent article in Time makes this clear: "Iran's current enrichment efforts remain under scrutiny by the IAEA, whose inspectors certify that no material has been diverted for any possible covert military covert military program, and any move to break out and build a weapon would be obvious, first and foremost, by the need to enrich uranium to anything above the levels required for Iran's peaceful purposes, less than 4% for reactor fuel, 20% for the Tehran reactor that produces medical isotopes, and on the latter, the stockpile would necessarily be limited, an issue that will be a focus in negotiations that look set to resume in the coming months. Weapons-grade uranium must be enriched to above 90%. Add to these facts the fact that both Israel and the US don't believe that Iran is very far off from even starting to become a nuclear threat. It makes you wonder what Israel's true purpose for pushing for a war with Iran really is. Obama recently sounded threatening to Iran in an interview with The Atlantic. In the interview, while speaking about using the American military to attack Iran, if Iran attempts to build a nuclear weapon, he said, "I don't bluff." This reminds me of former tough-guy George W.

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