
Curtis Dahlgren: Trickle Down Corruption

A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. "Might as well cast a little light on the subject," my dad used to say, when he turned on the kitchen light. Current events these days are one part horror, one part wishful thinking, and one part darkness, so let's at least throw a little light on the problem. Too often these days people confuse the symptoms and the root causes of our problems, in the vain attempt to find the scapegoat outside ourselves. Your first clue - the metrosexuals of Academia haven't just taken over the secular institutions, but also the theological seminaries. I knew a man who used to call them "cemeteries" a place where the semi-religious, semi-intellectuals go to bury the truth. I'm re-reading a book that backs that up, 100 percent. In a 1955 book, The Communist Menace, the Present Chaos and our Christian Responsibility, an Estonian by the name of Arthur Voobus described the Soviet slave system from up close, and analyzed the reaction of the "Academic Establishment" in the West, including the seminaries. If the Academy were 180 degrees wrong about Communism, it is safe to conclude that they are just as naive about America's current enemies, so here are some excerpts: "How often have we heard among Christians the talk that the present situation is a demonstration of how far secularism can lead us. Secularism only is made responsible and Christian conversation washes its hands over the sinner. Certainly life without God has revealed its true nature and has shown where it can lead. But it is not only secularism that has been in action in the formation of the present chaos, but the Christians also have been present and belong to the picture. Therefore, it would be wrong if Christians should try to acquit themselves by throwing all the blame for the development upon the secularized world. 

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