
The Excavator: Dangerous Misreading of Obama's 2012 AIPAC Speech.

The Dangerous Misreading of Obama's 2012 AIPAC Speech by the Stupid Anti-War Left. There is a narrative, mainly endorsed by the stupid anti-war left, that President Obama is still on the fence on a war with Iran, and is keeping Israel at bay. Proponents of this narrative say that Obama's speech at the 2012 AIPAC conference was strategically titled towards the side of diplomacy in dealing with Iran instead of war. They point to key phrases that were cushioned in the heart of the speech such as "there is too much loose talk of war," and "now is not the time for bluster. Now is the time to let our increased pressure sink in, " as proof that Obama is trying to avoid war, but still mindful of Israel's sensitivities. That is bullshit. If Obama was trying to avoid a war with Iran, then he wouldn't commit the United States to a sanctions program that paves the path to an inevitable clash down the road. As Colonel Wilkerson told the Alyona show on Russia Today on March 1st, sanctions are not diplomacy. Obama's problem with Israel's "loose talk of war," is that it is too honest and transparent. He wants to take a quiet, sneaky approach, so that when war with Iran finally dawns, it won't have to be announced to the American public. It will become a matter of fate, not politics. Obama wants to replace Israel's war drums with war flutes. As he said in his speech, "Now is the time to heed the timeless advice from Teddy Roosevelt: "Speak softly, and carry a big stick." This is not clever peace talk by a peace-minded president: This is code for,"Gangsters don't make noise before they strike their prey. They walk up silently, smoothly, and the victim drops dead before he even knows what happened." If Obama was aiming for peace and diplomacy, he wouldn't be carrying any stick.

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