
The Excavator: Iran, Stop Your Nuclear Weapons Program

"The president had offered a new definition of "aggression" against this country and a new definition of  "aggression" against Iran. He would, he insisted, take the US to war not to stop another nation from attacking us, or even threatening to do so, but simply to stop it from building a nuclear weapon, and he would act even if that country were incapable of targeting the United States. "So why the aggressive posture towards Iran? Why have we heaped the harshest set of economic sanctions in the world on Iran, which Columbia University Professor Gary Sick called "an act of war"? Why do we have Iran militarily encircled with military bases and client states? Why have we supported Israeli proxy terrorism on Iranian soil? Why is it that not a week goes by without an explicit threat of preventative attack on Iran? It can't be for the nuclear weapons program: it doesn't exist." "Just a few days ago I met a well-known American journalist, Mr Seymour Hersh, and he was saying American senior officials know without a doubt that Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons, and the issue is Iranian sovereignty. The issue is Iran's independence. So, it's quite clear that the policies of the United States and its European partners are not really directed at Iran's nuclear program. It's directed at Iranian independence and sovereignty. In his speeches, Binyamin Netanyahu likes to fire up his audiences with frequent references to the Holocaust, Jewish destiny and the fate of future generations. In light of this doomsday rhetoric, one wonders if Israel's prime minister can always distinguish between the real dangers confronting the country and shadows of past traumas. This question is crucial, because to confuse one with the other could sentence Israel to relive those echoes and shadows.

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