
Jim Kirwan: The Life's Blood Of Nations!

National Histories are shaped by the life-blood of nation states. In the United States, which has not had a revolution since the Revolutionary War that gave birth to the fledgling colonies, who fought the English King on American soil to free themselves from tyranny. We supposedly mark that war for Independence on July 4th of every year. But in America, that day is celebrated with picnics parties, parades and sports, without mentioning what that day actually marks, because Americans know nothing about this nation or its founding documents. The huge discounts on car lots are more important to them than the documents that lent their weight to the founding of a nation that as of January 1, 2012 no longer exists constitutionally! By contrast, Israel a "nation without a country" for most of its shadowy existence has chosen to remember its past with events such as Purim. This event falls on a different day each year, because it comes from a different calendar. The other major difference is that Purim celebrates the massacre of 75,000 Persians by the then victorious Israelis, in the biblical days of history, long before there was ever a state for Israel as a nation. Purim is a literal orgy of drunkenness, celebrated with triangular shaped cookies, symbolizing the ears of their dead enemies, but it is far more than that. In the first Iraq war there was one very bloody and shameful massacre which the US carried out but which few remember. It happened to the Iraqi Republican Guard as they were fleeing back to Baghdad from Kuwait. The column was bombed and strafed using tactical mini-nukes to create a massacre that began and ended on Purim of that year. If there was any doubt of Zionist influence in the first Gulf War, that should have ended any questions that might have lingered.

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