
Pravda.ru: The Insolence of Obama!

President Obama may be a lot of things, but one thing he most certainly is, is insolent. On receiving the Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping, the man who insulted the Nobel Peace Prize and is now labeled Obomber, dared to lecture his guest on human rights. One hopes that Xi Jinping answered him in kind. To receive someone in your house and to lecture them, is perhaps the epitome of insolence. To receive someone in your house and to lecture them, not for something they have done, but which the host himself has done, and a lot, is utterly unacceptable and underlines the fact that CIA-toyboy Barack Hussein "Obomber" is a one-term President about to disappear into the sewer of wannabe failure has-beens, perhaps to market the Obama Family Chilli recipe, complete with packed chilli powder, which he recently disgraced his Facebook account with. One hopes that the Chinese Vice-President had the guts to respond in kind, but one fears that he may have been too polite to answer as follows: Neither does the People's Republic of China opine when the United States of America invades countries illegally outside the auspices of the United Nations Organization, nor does the USA have any right to stick its nose into the internal sovereign affairs of another country, especially when most of the trouble around is caused directly by the USA's arming terrorists or supporting internal dissent.   

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