
pravda.ru: Wyoming Quietly Prepares for the Collapse of the Federal Government!

In the storm of the economic crisis, all the arguments about the benefits of friendship, cooperation and integration are forgotten. As evident from the Western experience, only thriving together can be a good thing. When the dark days come, everyone tries to keep their stuff separate. The principle "every man for himself" becomes more popular, and people are ready to erect fences around each village. It is one thing when France and Germany are making tremendous efforts to prevent the collapse of the still young euro area. It is quite a different story when the germs of centrifugal tendencies appear in a well-established country like the United States. Meanwhile, the state of Wyoming in all seriousness began preparations for autonomous navigation. The freedom-loving mountaineers nearly passed a bill providing for procedures in case of the collapse of the federal government. The State House of Representatives was short of just three votes to pass the bill. The bill includes the introduction of domestic currency, creating its own army and even the possibility of acquiring an aircraft carrier. It was assumed that the final set of measures needed to start an independent life would be developed by a special parliamentary commission. However, according to the main initiators, the last two points about the army and navy were inserted in the bill by its secret enemies. Before considering these ideas in the House of Representatives the ideas were crossed out along with the proposition of the state's own currency.

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