
Thirty-Seven Members of Congress Warn Against War

Thirty-seven Members of Congress sent a letter to President Obama on Friday, supporting diplomacy with Iran to resolve the nuclear issue and prevent war. The Members urge for a redoubling of bilateral and multilateral diplomatic engagement efforts with Iran to achieve transparency measures that can ensure Iran's nuclear program remains a civilian one. The letter also warns that pressure alone could lead to unintended and potentially devastating consequences, including war. The letter, below, was led by Reps Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Walter Jones (R-NC): "Dear President Obama: As tension with Iran continues to escalate, we urge your Administration to utilize all available tools of diplomacy to resolve the crisis over Iran's nuclear program and prevent another costly war in the Middle East. We have supported your Administration's efforts to unite the international community to bring about the strongest sanctions on Iran to date. Now, we must redouble our diplomatic efforts to achieve robust transparency measures that can verify Iran's nuclear program is strictly a civilian one. Without a corresponding diplomatic undertaking, we are concerned that a lack of communication with Iran could lead to a dangerous escalation with potentially devastating consequences. We hold no illusions about the abuses of the Iranian regime and are well aware that it rejected your previous diplomatic overtures. At the same time, we agree with most Americans that the United States should not enter a new war, just as we are finally ending two others. A military strike against Iran could lead to a regional war in the Middle East and attacks against US interests. Even worse, such a strike would likely compel Iran to abandon the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, eject international inspectors, and rapidly pursue a nuclear deterrent. Top military and civilian leaders have repeatedly issued warnings about the consequences of a military strike on Iran. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta cautioned that the United States "could possibly be the target of retaliation from Iran, sinking our ships, striking our military bases," and that "would not only involve many lives, but I think could consume the Middle East in a confrontation and a conflict that we would regret."     

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