
Brother Nathanael: NSA's Jewish Spy Masters

Deep in the Utah desert, reports Wired Magazine, the National Security Agency, known as the NSA, is building the country's biggest Spy Center. And I add: Also building the country's biggest Jewish Spy Ring with participating Israeli Intelligence Companies who provide the wire and internet tapping expertise, who, of course, have strong ties to the Mossad and International Jewry. Dubbed with the bland name, The Utah Data Center, its apparent sinister purpose is to spy on our private emails, our cell phone calls, Google searches, Credit Card purchases, all in the name of the "War on Terror" now morphed into an ongoing 'War on the American Citizen.' And this 'war' on the privacy and constitutional rights of the American citizen is commanded by global Zionist Jewry. This is because the NSA utilizes Israeli Intelligence-Mining Companies to provide the hardware,software, and expertise for up to 20 of its "espionage rooms" across America, in which a large share of its activities is devoted to domestic spying. You see, two of the Telecom giants contracted by the NSA, Verizon and AT&T, are underpinned in its espionage endeavors, via the FISA Amendment Act Of 2008, by two Israeli Intelligence Companies, Verint Systems and Narus. Former NSa official, William Binney explained to Democracy Today last week how NSA uses "Narus" internet devices to spy on our private emails: "Do you believe all emails the government has copies of in the United States?" "I believe they have most of them, Yes." "And you're speaking from a position where you would know, considering your position in the National Security Agency?" "All they would need to do is put various points along the network, at choke-points or convergent points, and they could basically have copies of most everything."    

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