
Devvy Kidd: What's Wrong With These Headlines?

US troops in Afghanistan now have far-reaching new protections against rogue killers among their Afghan allies, including assigned "guardian angels", fellow troops who will watch over them when they sleep. Marine General John Allen, the top US commander in Afghanistan, ordered the added protections in recent weeks to guard against insider threats, according to a senior military official. They come in the wake of 16 attacks on US and coalition forces by Afghans that now represent nearly one-fifth of all combat deaths this year." Do the cheerleaders of those illegal, immoral invasions and occupations of countries like Afghanistan not get it yet about 'blow-back'? As I wrote in my recent column regarding the Obama/Socotro administration proposing to impose higher medical premiums for vets, here we are with our troops, who will be veterans someday, having to guard each other even when sleeping, against Afghani's who don't want our troops there. I wish that those who wave the flag and cheer on our soldiers in those countries remember the body bags you never see on the propaganda machine called TV. 1/5th of all combat deaths isn't just a statistic. Every one of those soldiers is dead, and their families and friends will forever have a huge hole in their hearts. For what? Please, don't insult my intelligence by sending me email they're fighting for our freedom. That carefully crafted "justification" long ago wore out its place in history. While the troops are there to protect the opium poppy crops, a sick culture of death, and where pedophilia is common in some regions, here is what their president, Hamid Karzai, said as the flag-draped coffins continue to arrive back on US soil: The Americans in Afghanistan are demons".  

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