
Dianna C. Cotter: Obama's Legal Humiliation!

Today there is no American news outlet factually covering the illegal actions of the sitting President of the United States in context. Nor is there one consistently exposing the laws his administration has flagrantly broken, though this corruption now demonstrably permeates every level of the federal system. Attorneys General Tom Home, Arizona: Pam Bondi, Florida, Sam Olens, Georgia, Bill Schuette, Michigan, Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma, Marty Jackley, South Dakota, Alan Wilson, South Carolina, Greg Abbott, Texas, and Ken Cuccinelli of Virginia produced a joint memo on March 5th, 2012 detailing 21 blatant violations of law committed by the Obama administration. By now it is unsurprising the media has by and large ignored this announcement though AG Cuccinelli did appear in an extended segment with CSPAN on March 18th. Fortunately, "The Tea Party Tribune" published the the Attorney's General memo, "A Report on Obama Administration Violations of Law" in full the same day it was released. It is nothing short of a flashing legal headline story,, yet cannot be found at the Washington Post or the New York Times. "Whether it is through the EPA, NLRB, Office of Surface Mining, FCC or other entities, the Obama Administration has aggressively used administrative agencies to implement policy objectives that cannot gain congressional approval and are outside of the law." An abbreviated list of broken laws includes: PPACA Individual Mandate, to be heard by Supreme Court of the United States in March. FCC: Regulation of the Internet in the face of a court order from Circuit Court of Appeals for Washington DC, stating that the FCC does not have power to regulate the internet.

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