
Eyre International: Is the New World Order dismantling British Industry?

Remember the days when one used to be proud of simply being British and equally as proud of those very famous, word-renowned British companies that earned this country so much respect overseas? Neo Liberalism has infected almost every walk of life in this country and gained tremendous strength since the "Iron Lady" - Maggie Thatcher took over the reins of Britain back in 1979. We have, since those early days, seen this country and its once proud industries become fragmented and sold off to the European Union or some other overseas entity which is clearly a "New World Order" brain child. We all watched Zionist backed organizations descend over this country, like a huge grey cloud and watched them rain down, flood and destroy the pride of British industry! Who are they, where did they come from and how did it happen? I guess World War Two has to be the turning point when these Zionists regrouped to form their own elite group that would become the foundation of the term "Neo Liberalism" and the birth of the New World Order. It became evident to them that someone could make big money by the privatisation of national industries, especially in areas such as water, gas and electricity etc. One can clearly see that they have come a long way since those early days, resulting in extremely high cost that has now caused so much suffering to the aged and poor of this world. I guess it's only a matter of time before they tax you for breathing oxygen!! I believe that the birth of the "New World Order" started around 1947 when a Friedrich Hayek formed an elite group called The Mont Pelerin Society that consisted of widely scattered neo-liberal thinkers and political figures. The Society sees the danger in the expansion of government, not least in state welfare and in the power of trade unions.  

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