
Joseph Farah: The President's Bogus Birth Certificate

Did you see the reaction of the "press" to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's report on the fact thatBarack Obama's birth certificate is a crude forgery? Did the media assembled in Phoenix gasp in shock at the carefully presented findings? Did the reporters run out of the room to file Page 1 stories explaining that the first law-enforcement investigation of the document found overwhelming and compelling evidence of criminal fraud? Did the shocking report lead the news on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and CNN? No! Let me tell you why I think it's important and why I am personally making a donation to this cause. Instead, the media questioned Arpaio's motives for presenting the facts. And they filed stories characterizing the report as conspiracy-mongering. Or, they ignored the press conference and the report altogether. What a shameful and disgraceful exhibition by my colleagues! No wonder most people are afraid to speak out publicly about this important constitutional issue. I know how reluctant the investigators were to take an honest look at the evidence. I know they would have preferred to debunk the conclusions of Jerome Corsi and others who had investigated before them. I know there were no predetermined conclusions and a strong inclination toward validating the document if only it were possible. But honest and independent law-enforcement people don't do that. I have immense respect for Sheriff Arpaio, who showed a great deal of courage and integrity. The press, for the most part, demonstrated no integrity. Unable to dispute the facts, they attempted to smear the messenger.

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