
Mark Dankof: The Treyvon Martin Case

In a nutshell, the Treyvon Martin case is a classic manipulation of the American public, and a diversionary tactic par excellence on the part of a Zionist-controlled American Corporate Media for reasons classically obvious only to those in this country who can still think, and exercise dispassionate judgment accordingly. Irresponsible, racially oriented demagoguery comes to us via electronic barrage from the usual Establishment shills in the African-American community, evidenced by the inflammatory rhetoric and self-serving actions of Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, and Chicago Congressman Bobby Rush (D-ILL), among others. Although it has received less media attention, the racist wing of the American Right Populist movement has been equally irresponsible, as evidenced by simian statements and analysis laced with vicious appellations directed at African Americans like "nigger," "chimps," and "coons."Neither side can claim to know yet what really happened in Florida and all its nuances and dimensions. Both sides fail to understand the Real Game in how this terrible situation is being deliberately exploited at the expense of decent people of good will with different shades of skin color. One thing is not in doubt. The issues surrounding this tragedy discussed by Pat Buchanan in his essay, "It's All About Race Now," will not be aired on CNN or MSNBC. A second thing is not in doubt. Lost in all this is the way the false Hegelian dialectic between mutually public racists African American and European serves as a strategically-designed diversion from the real issues confronting a sick and terminally ill American culture, economic, and political system. 

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