
Paul Drockton: Ron Paul, the New Anti-Romney!

"Thirty-four percent hold a favorable opinion of Romney, the lowest for any leading presidential candidate in ABC/Post polls in primary seasons since 1984. His unfavorable score is higher than Obama ever has received, it's been exceeded by just one other Republican candidate this year, Newt Gingrich, and by only one top candidate in 28 years, Hillary Clinton in 2008." American voters just don't like the guy. In fact, as previous primary elections have shown, the majority of Republicans would vote for anyone but Romney. Ron Paul isn't just anyone. Indeed, it could be argued that Paul has been the "real target" of the Romney campaign all along. The Paul campaign has something that no other campaign, including Romney's, can claim. They have a legitimate grass roots effort and solid Republican Base. Romney has more money, but, as evidenced by the numbers, Ron Paul can generate at rallies and events, Paul has the support base. The MSM has tried to minimize that influence by moving on to the general election, hoping the voters will do the same. One example is a poll completed by CNN that showed Ron Paul has the highest approval rating among Republicans at present. The Poll was quickly buried and a similar one will never be taken anytime soon. Another example is Ron Paul's new wins in Missouri. In Kansas City, Ron Paul supporters picked the majority of delegates during caucuses in Jackson County and the city of St. Louis as the state's complicated selection process continued. Party officials said Ron Paul supporters picked all 36 of the St. Louis delegates and about two-thirds of Jackson County's 179 delegates. Votes will always triumph over money. Not that Paul can raise small donations at a drop of the hat. One example is today's fundraiser, which has a goal of $250,000 from small donors. It started at 2 Am and will likely reach its goal by Noon!

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