
RT: Obama Second Term in Hands of 30 Million Unemployed!

With around 20 percent real unemployed, it's US joblessness that could prove the stumbling block for Obama's second term, not foreign policy issues, says Jim Clifton, CEO of Gallup, America's leading company conducting opinion polls worldwide. RT: What are the dynamics in terms of opinion polls as far as the economy goes, among the American people, the way it was four years ago, and the way it is now? We were going just fine in 2007, first part of 2008, then we crashed down. Now it's coming back a little bit. RT: Enough to win President Obama the next election? I don't think quite yet. According to the Gallup poll, if we vote tonight, Romney will beat him. They are not voting for Romney, they just vote against the president. What are the main reasons not to vote for the president? Strictly unemployment. Just one reason. Foreign policy plays no role at all right now. If something big happens, that will only make a little bit of difference. Americans don't want to hear about foreign policy. They should, but they don't. Gallup shows real unemployment is close to 20 percent in America. Not 8.5 but 20 percent. 30 million people are out of work. 60 percent of them told Gallup they have no hope of getting a job. That is 18 million. Do Americans blame the president for that? There are two questions here. Do I think they should? No. Do they? Yes! There were two polls conducted in America, not Gallup. In one, the majority said 'yes' to diplomacy. What do you think about that? The wording of the question makes an enormous amount of difference. One thing that we noticed, if you put the word 'freedom' or 'free' in a question, it really changes the outcome. They call it "free choice act". Words are very powerful in our questions. If your question is: Do you believe the people who are writing the questions can make it come out any way they want? I would say pretty much so!

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