
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey: Libya: What NATO is Responsible For

The Green Resistance in Libya has brought us a first-hand account of a girl who was captured by the pro-NATO terrorists. Below is her story, the story of total depravity and a telling example of the type of person that the USA, France and the UK sided with in Libya. Surely if you arm and finance terrorists like this, you are responsible! The FUKUS-Axis is responsible for unleashing bands of thugs and murderers and torturers onto the streets of Libya to take over this oil-rich, strategically placed nation, the heart of the Mediterranean basin. The FUCUS-Axis is also responsible for the action of the scourge which they created. I urge Cameron, Obama and Sarkozy to read these lines: I also urge Clinton, Hague and Juppe to read these lines. As for the Qatari scourge which boosted the ranks of the terrorists who raped, tortured, looted, stole and murdered their way to destroying Libya. The global media of course do not carry this type of material. The title of this piece is: "Interview with girl who escaped from rats prison". It is a first-hand account of a girl who was captured by the terrorists who destroyed Libya, working for the FUKUS-Axis (France, UK, US and Israel) against their people. It was translated by volunteers. Here is an abridged version of her horrendous account. The victim is a Libyan girl who wishes to remain anonymous for her own security, since she escaped from an NTC prison. NTC, the terrorist scourge aided and abetted by the FUKUS-Axis, the same Axis now supporting terrorists in Syria. She was captured by the NTC terrorists on August 20, 2011 and escaped in late November 2011, remaining in hiding until March 2012, when she decided to talk. She was one of the Libyan women and girls who volunteered for the People's Guard, to protect our country from NATO and the NTC (Rats). She was captured and was imprisoned by the Rats for three months. They tortured her during this period of time, using electrical appliances and in other ways. They would put us inside some fridge trucks, that were generally used as cold rooms, or as mortuaries. They often used electric shocks on people, using a 'shocker', or home-made electric chairs and bare electrical wires connected to the grid, and they scalded people with hot water and sat them for long periods under freezing air outlets. They raped us and used all kinds of brutality and humiliation.   

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