
Vasily Georgevich: Is America Really Free?

The recent outcry by the American Media complaining of mass riots over the Russian election has gotten me thinking. Do the youth in Russia protesting understand exactly how free they are compared with the American's slandering them? Consider the facts: Six Corporations control the American press (Walt Disney,General Electric, New Corporation, Viacom, CBS, and Time Warner), whether in print, or on the television. They even used the frequently derogatory term "bloggers" to refer to free publications that do not follow their talking points. In covering the protests in Russia, the supposedly freest press in the world even saw many programs using falls footage, such as those from riots taking place in the European Union, and mimicking those of the Occupy and Tea Party movements happening coast to coast in America. If you think you can say anything you want if you are an American citizen who had been recording tapes and CDs denouncing America's policies as immoral and oppressive. Frequently in the last several decades children have had to rely on parents taking schools to court to avail themselves of the right to pray. Churches and Mosques are frequently having to show up in court to preserve their rights to call people to prayer, ring bells, or even maintain a cross that happens to be visible from a public highway. Americans pay almost 50% of their income in taxes, and work the longest hours of any country in the world. While Americans insist their tax burden is low, once one tallies the taxes on products, housing, transportation, and hidden taxes employers must pay on behalf of employees, Americans work 6 months of the year, before they see any profit for their labor. The average American has 2 weeks of paid vacation, and 3 personal or sick days for unexpected absence at work. Many are so afraid of becoming unemployed they do not avail themselves even of these!

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