
Eric H. May: Top Ten False Flag Terror Targets!

False Flags are a standard stratagem, particularly in democracies, in which it's necessary to create consensus before waging war. Prior to the Spanish-American War in 1898, the explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor propelled the American people into an imperial affrey, much as 9/11 did a century later, instigating invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Half a dozen headlines describe our situation, in which a false flag attack, blamed on Iran, may well pull us into our third post-9/11 Mid East war: 1.) US Military Wanted to Provoke War with Cuba: In 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff proposed a multi-faceted false flag operation to JFK. 2.) New revelations in attack on American spy ship: LBJ helped a 1967 Israeli false flag attack against the USS Liberty, intended to draw the US into its Six-Day War. (Chicago Tribune, 2007) In that particular situation, while I was the Intelligence Operations Officer for the 4th US Armored Division in Goeppingen, Germany, under Colonel Aakkula, I was ordered to immediately bring the news to General Sherrer, the commander of our division. His only comment was: "With friends like Israel, we have no need of enemies." In half a dozen situations a false flag attack may well pull us into our third post-9/11 Mid East War: 1. US Military Wanted to Provoke War with Cuba: In 1962 the Joint Chiefs of Staff proposed a multi-faceted false flag operation to JFK. 2. New revelations in attack on American spy ship: LBJ helped a 1967 Israeli false flag attack against the USS Liberty, intended to draw the US into its Six-Day War, according to Jewish writer Ari Shavit. (Haaretz, 2003).   

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