
Fidel Castro Ruz: What Obama Knows?

The most demolishing article I have seen nowadays about Latin America was written by Renan Vega Cantor, full professor at the National Pedagogical University of Bogota, which was published three days ago by the website 'Rebelion' under the title "Ecos de la Cumbre de las Americas" (Echoes of the Summit of the Americas). It is a brief article and I should make no versions. Those who specialize on the subject can look it up at the aforementioned website. I have referred more than once to the infamous agreement that the United States imposed on Latin American and Caribbean countries when the OAS was founded at the foreign ministers meeting held in the city of Bogota on April 1948. Just by sheer coincidence, I happened to be there on that date, helping to organize the celebration of a Latin American students' congress, whose main goal was to struggle against the European colonies and the bloody tyrannies imposed by the United States in this hemisphere. One of the most brilliant political leaders in Columbia, Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, who had managed to unite, with ever growing strength, the most progressive sectors in Columbia that opposed the Yankees' mis-creation, had offered his support to the celebration of the students' congress. No one doubted he would win during the upcoming elections, but he was treacherously murdered. His death led to a rebellion that has kept alive for more than half a century. Social struggles have been taking place throughout millennia, since human beings, by resorting to wars, were able to take hold of a surplus production to satisfy the essential needs of life. As is known, the years of physical slavery, the most brutal form of exploitation, went on in some countries until a little more than a century ago.    

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